Choosing The Right Area Rug

Stylized area rugs are becoming increasingly popular in home design, and with reason! Rugs help establish a focal point in the room, naturally create a sense of depth and familiarity, and have the potential to add personalized style to a space. The trouble is, choosing the right area rug can be a true challenge. Have no fear; these three easy-to-implement tips are sure to help you find the area rug that’s perfect for you and your home.

Dining Room Interior Decorator Shelby Township, MI

Identify the style that resonates with you.

When it comes to area rugs, there are a variety of styles available. This means it is imperative to define your own decor style first. Do you gravitate towards a bold Bohemian look that is carefree, cultured, and colorful? Look for rugs with tribal patterns, tassels, and fringes. Or do you prefer a simple Scandinavian style with soft colors and warm textiles? A neutral base with a bold geometric design may be suitable for you. Perhaps you lean even more towards a moody industrial feel with exposed architectural elements? Whatever it may be, identify your style before introducing an area rug to the space; this helps ensure that rug will go with the overall look and feel you hope to create.  

Choose a color and pattern that complements your space.

You can roll out an area rug with the intent of making a bold statement, or you can use it to create a subtle backdrop for the rest of the room. The impact it winds up having is dependent on the color and pattern you choose. If you are starting with a new, empty space, be willing to go bold and explore different looks that suit your style and personality. Or, if you are adding the area rug to an existing room, be sure to consider all the design elements you already have in place.

Thoughtful decorating is all about balance, so if your walls and furniture are solids, try to incorporate an exciting area rug that adds more color, patterns, and textures. Conversely, if you already have that intrigue in the furniture, use a solid area rug to create a grounding, cohesive effect.

Living Room Interior Decorator Shelby Township, MI

Remember, size matters.

Once you identify the style, color, and potential pattern you are looking for, you must choose an area rug that is the right size for your space. In a traditional design sense, area rugs are typically centered in the middle of the room, with only 10-20 inches of bare floor exposed around the edges. This placement might not apply if you use the area rug to define a specific space in an open concept room or are stylistically layering rugs. Still, more often than not, the rug that is the “right” fit for your area is larger than you initially thought. Keep this in mind during your search, and remember, it is always better to go too big than too small.

Keep these tips in mind next time you’re searching for an area rug, and you’ll be sure to find one that is right for your space. Need help implementing these ideas and bringing them to life? Contact us today at 248-906-9300 to schedule your complimentary in-home consultation.

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